Implementation of a leasing financing program for the renovation of agricultural machinery has begun
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Implementation of a leasing financing program for the renovation of agricultural machinery has begun

Implementation of a leasing financing program for the renovation of agricultural machinery has begun


ESSIL-740"DBK-Leasing" JSC assists peasant and private farms in leasing domestically produced combines. Recently, the new grain harvesters of the manufacturer "Agromashholding KZ" JSC, produced within the framework of the program on renewal of the machinery and tractor fleet, were transferred. One of the first participants was "Kainar 2017" LLP from Akmola region, which purchased an ESSIL 740 combine harvester manufactured by "Agromashholding KZ" JSC.

According to the director of the partnership, the farm has already managed to assess the performance of combines from the Kostanai manufacturer.

We work on three "ESSIL" harvesters, the neighbouring farms also operate only them, so as soon as we started the programme to finance the purchase of equipment from "DBK-Leasing", we decided to purchase another one.  Leasing at 7% p.a. for 7 years is an advantageous offer for agricultural producers; there are no such conditions in any bank. This is a good help, there was no such program before," says Viktor Rybchak, director of "Kainar 2017" LLP.

The leasing financing program for the renewal of the machine and tractor fleet aimed at supporting the development of domestic agricultural machinery production and renewal of the critically worn-out machine and tractor fleet was launched by "DBK-Leasing" in August 2018. The program is open to peasant and private farms, as well as legal entities and individual entrepreneurs working in the field of agriculture.

Under the terms of the program, the lease term is up to 7 years, the nominal interest rate is 7% per annum, and the down payment (advance payment) on the lease is not less than 15% of the value of the leased asset.

"With the help of the new harvesters, peasant and farming enterprises will be able to increase labor productivity, reduce the time of performing agricultural works, reduce the cost of fuels and lubricants and repair and maintenance services. It should be noted that the financing is of a revolving nature - payments from the repayment of existing transactions are again directed to the purchase of agricultural machinery," - noted the press service of the company.

Within the framework of the program, general agreements were concluded with domestic manufacturers of agricultural machinery - "Agromashholding KZ" JSC, "SemAZ" LLP, "Combine plant "Vector" LLP, which provide farmers with "Essil" ("Agromashholdin KZ" JSC) and Vector combine harvesters ("Combine plant "Vector" LLP ), as well as tractors "Belarus" ("SemAZ" LLP).