IDF JSC Management Board
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- IDF JSC Management Board

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The Management Board of IDF JSC ensures the realization of interests and protection of the rights of the Sole Shareholder of the Development Bank of Kazakhstan, the effective implementation of IDF JSC of the task assigned to improve the efficiency of the state investment policy, and also ensures efficient operation of the risk management system , assists in the resolution of corporate conflicts.
Citizens are admitted to IDF JSC by prior appointment and on certain days.

- Положение о Правлении с изм. от 26.10.2020.pdf
- Положение о комитетах и комиссиях Правления АО «Фонд развития промышленности», утвержденное решением Правления АО «Фонд развития промышленности» от 17.10.2024 года (протокол №982/10/2024)
Management Board committees
“The purpose of the activities of the Budget Commission (hereinafter referred to as the BC) is to ensure timely and high-quality medium-term and current planning in the Company, develop recommendations and proposals for clarifying and executing the development plan and budget of the Company, making decisions within the competence established in Appendix 5 to the Regulations on Committees and commissions of the Management Board of Industrial Development Fund JSC."
The composition of the BC:
- Ibrasheva Zh.Sh. – Chairman of the BC, Deputy Chairman of the Board;
- Adi G.A. – Member of the BC, Managing Director;
- Junussov N. K. – Member of the BC, Chief of Staff;
- Tulepbergenova A.Zh. - Member of the BC, Director of the Department of Finance and Accounting - Chief Accountant;
- Mukanov E.E. – Member of the BC, Director of the Strategy and Planning Department;
- Kalauova M.M. - Member of the BC, Deputy Director of the Legal Department.
The purpose of the Investment Committee (hereinafter - IC) is to manage the investment portfolio of the Society, as well as to develop recommendations and proposals on asset and liability management of the Society and to make decisions within the competence established in Appendix 2 to the Regulations on the Committees and Commissions of the Board of Industrial Development Fund JSC.
IC Composition:
- Ibrasheva Zhanar Shatyrkhanovna – Chairman of the IC, Deputy Chairman of the Board;
- Zeynesheva Zulfiya Khamzaevna – IC member, Deputy Chairman of the Board;
- Alshinbayev Ruslan Sagandykovich – IC member, Managing Director;
- Abylkasov Ernar Dyusenbaevich – IC member, Director of the Project Analysis Department;
- Kalauova Malika Mirzakhanovna – IC member, Deputy Director of the Legal Department;
- Bekenov Aybar Kudaybergenovich – IC member, Director of the Treasury Department
“The purpose of the Credit Committee is to implement the Company's policy on conducting leasing and lending activities of the Company and making decisions within the competence established in Appendix 1 to the Regulations on Committees and Commissions of the Management Board of Industrial Development Fund JSC."
Composition of the Credit Committee:
Members of the Credit Committee |
Substitute authorized persons |
Abildinov B.U. -Managing Director - Director of the Risk Management Department |
Tulepbergenova A.Zh. - Director of the Accounting Department - Chief Accountant |
Rysmukhambetova B.D. - Deputy Director of the Accounting Department - Deputy Chief Accountant |
Akhmetbekov D.M. - Director of the Department of Technical Expertise and Monitoring |
Ivanov D.N. - Deputy Director of the Department of Technical Expertise and Monitoring |
Baimagambetov E.B. - Director of the Troubled Asset Management Department |
Not provided |
Kovalenko I.A. - Director of the Legal Department |
Kalauova M.M. - Deputy Director of the Legal Department |
Tyulebekov T.B. - Managing Director - Director of the Regional Directorate |
Alshinbaev R.S. - Managing Director |
The purpose of the Commission on Personnel Issues (hereinafter - the CPI) is to develop recommendations, proposals, and make decisions on the management and development of the Society's human resources within the competence established in Appendix 3 to the Regulations on the Committees and Commissions of the Board of Industrial Development Fund JSC.
CPI Composition:
- Pryimakov Maksim Maksimovich – Chairman of the CPI, Deputy Chairman of the Board;
- Dzhunusov Nurken Korganbekovich – CPI member, Head of the Office;
- Ezhembaev Eldos Nurlanovich – CPI member, Director of the Assessment Department;
- Balgereyeva Gulnar Zhetkerbaevna – CPI member, Head of the Personnel Department;
- Kalauova Malika Myrzakhanovna – CPI member, Deputy Director of the Legal Department;
- Raspekov Marat Bakhtzhanovich – CPI member, Head of the Security Service.