Abaidildin Azat Talgatbekovich
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Abaidildin Azat Talgatbekovich
Deputy Chairman of the Board
Born January 14, 1982
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
In 2003 he graduated from Abay Almaty State University with a degree in international economics.
In 2018 he graduated from Abai Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University majoring in jurisprudence.
Information about work activity:
Abaidildin Azat began his career at KazTransGas Distribution JSC in 2003 as a regional manager
of the Marketing Department.
From May 2005 to January 2009, he worked in the Akimat of the city of Almaty, the Office of the
Akim of Almaty in positions from the chief specialist of the Financial Management Department to
the assistant to the deputy akim of Almaty.
From July 2009 to June 2010, he worked as the head of the Administrative and Economic
Department of Zhetisu SERVICE COMPANY LLP (a subsidiary of JSC NC SPK Zhetysu).
From September 2010 to June 2017, he held positions from the chief specialist of the Marketing
and Technical Policy Department to the vice president of Kazakhstan Transport Leasing
Company JSC.
From June 2017 to April 2022, he held the position of head of the Project Directorate of Industrial
Development Fund JSC (formerly DBK-Leasing JSC).
From May 2022 to October 2023, he held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board, member
of the board of JSC Zhasyl Damu (for economics and finance).
By the decision of the Board of Directors of the Industrial Development Fund JSC on October 27,
2023, he was elected a member of the Management Board of the Industrial Development Fund JSC.
Organizes, coordinates and controls the following activities:
1) for managing the leasing and loan portfolios of the Industrial Development Fund, including:
a) organizes a search and preliminary selection of potential lessees/borrowers/projects;
b) organizes, coordinates, directly participates in and carries out work on the preparation of the
necessary documents for consideration and adoption by the authorized bodies of the Industrial
Development Fund of decisions on the conduct of a leasing transaction, investment projects and
borrowing operations;
c) organizes the preparation and signing of documents and agreements (financial leasing
agreements, loans, procurement agreements for financial leasing services and other agreements)
within the framework of a leasing transaction, investment projects and loan operations, ensures
that work is carried out on the proper formation of documents that make up the dossier of leasing
transactions, investment projects and borrowing operations;
d) controls the preparation of conclusions within the framework of a comprehensive examination
of leasing transactions, investment projects, borrowing operations, in terms of identifying project,
credit and other risks and monitoring credit ratings of leasing transactions, investment projects,
borrowing transactions, implementation of financial leasing agreements, loan agreements,
insurance agreements , agreements on the pledge of property, monitoring the receipt of the
leased asset and other obligations of the lessee, borrower and/or seller (supplier);
e) organizes the issuance, withdrawal/suspension of payment requests, orders, direct debiting of
bank accounts, requirements for guarantees/sureties;
f) ensures the development of cooperation with professional associations and sellers (suppliers);
2) representing the interests of the Industrial Development Fund on issues within its competence
in relations with government bodies, legal entities and individuals
Deputy Chairman of the Board
Born January 14, 1982
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
In 2003 he graduated from Abay Almaty State University with a degree in international economics.
In 2018 he graduated from Abai Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University majoring in jurisprudence.
Information about work activity:
Abaidildin Azat began his career at KazTransGas Distribution JSC in 2003 as a regional manager
of the Marketing Department.
From May 2005 to January 2009, he worked in the Akimat of the city of Almaty, the Office of the
Akim of Almaty in positions from the chief specialist of the Financial Management Department to
the assistant to the deputy akim of Almaty.
From July 2009 to June 2010, he worked as the head of the Administrative and Economic
Department of Zhetisu SERVICE COMPANY LLP (a subsidiary of JSC NC SPK Zhetysu).
From September 2010 to June 2017, he held positions from the chief specialist of the Marketing
and Technical Policy Department to the vice president of Kazakhstan Transport Leasing
Company JSC.
From June 2017 to April 2022, he held the position of head of the Project Directorate of Industrial
Development Fund JSC (formerly DBK-Leasing JSC).
From May 2022 to October 2023, he held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board, member
of the board of JSC Zhasyl Damu (for economics and finance).
By the decision of the Board of Directors of the Industrial Development Fund JSC on October 27,
2023, he was elected a member of the Management Board of the Industrial Development Fund JSC.
Organizes, coordinates and controls the following activities:
1) for managing the leasing and loan portfolios of the Industrial Development Fund, including:
a) organizes a search and preliminary selection of potential lessees/borrowers/projects;
b) organizes, coordinates, directly participates in and carries out work on the preparation of the
necessary documents for consideration and adoption by the authorized bodies of the Industrial
Development Fund of decisions on the conduct of a leasing transaction, investment projects and
borrowing operations;
c) organizes the preparation and signing of documents and agreements (financial leasing
agreements, loans, procurement agreements for financial leasing services and other agreements)
within the framework of a leasing transaction, investment projects and loan operations, ensures
that work is carried out on the proper formation of documents that make up the dossier of leasing
transactions, investment projects and borrowing operations;
d) controls the preparation of conclusions within the framework of a comprehensive examination
of leasing transactions, investment projects, borrowing operations, in terms of identifying project,
credit and other risks and monitoring credit ratings of leasing transactions, investment projects,
borrowing transactions, implementation of financial leasing agreements, loan agreements,
insurance agreements , agreements on the pledge of property, monitoring the receipt of the
leased asset and other obligations of the lessee, borrower and/or seller (supplier);
e) organizes the issuance, withdrawal/suspension of payment requests, orders, direct debiting of
bank accounts, requirements for guarantees/sureties;
f) ensures the development of cooperation with professional associations and sellers (suppliers);
2) representing the interests of the Industrial Development Fund on issues within its competence
in relations with government bodies, legal entities and individuals