With the support of the Industrial Development Fund JSC, 16 domestically produced school buses were transferred to the Akmola Region Education Department for the purpose of transporting children to educational institutions.
The implementation of a joint project of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Industrial Development Fund JSC to renew the fleet of school buses in the regions of the country is carried out within the framework of the road map for equipping schools with buses for organizing the transportation of children.
The provided Yutong ZK6745DX and Golden Dragon XML6101J15 buses are manufactured by domestic companies QazTehna LLP and Hyundai Trans Auto LLP.
To ensure safety when organizing the transportation of children, including children with musculoskeletal disorders, increased technical requirements are imposed on transport. In particular, the buses are equipped with mechanical ramps for children with disabilities, four-point seat belts, special speed limiting devices, and meet all the requirements for safe and comfortable transportation of schoolchildren.
Source: https://primeminister.kz/ru/news/alikhan-smailov-predstavil-novogo-rukovoditelya-kholdinga-bayterek-25818