JSC "Industrial Development Fund" informs about the Program for financing preferential car loans
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JSC "Industrial Development Fund" informs about the Program for financing preferential car loans


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JSC "Industrial Development Fund" informs about the Program for financing preferential car loans


Industrial Development Fund JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) informs that as of July 13 of this year, the participating banks of the Preferential Car Loan Program (hereinafter referred to as the Program, participating banks, respectively) approved 11,825 applications in the amount of 90 billion tenge, for which 7 852 cars for a total amount of 59.546 billion tenge, of which:

  • Eurasian Bank JSC - 3,248 applications were approved in the amount of 25.4 billion tenge;
  • Bank Center Credit JSC - 3,647 applications were approved in the amount of 27.7 billion tenge;
  • JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan" - 3,009 applications were approved in the amount of 23.1 billion tenge;
  • Forte Bank JSC - 1,921 applications were approved in the amount of 14.4 billion tenge.

At present, the participating banks have temporarily suspended the acceptance of applications until the funding limit is released in connection with the final procedures for issuing car loans on approved applications. If there are funds within the released limits, the participating banks plan to resume accepting applications.

At the same time, Eurasian Bank JSC has begun the procedure for receiving the next tranche in the amount of 10 billion tenge, which is scheduled to be completed next month.

We remind you that the program of financing preferential car loans is designed for 30 years. The provision of car loans after the full development of the limits will be carried out on the basis of a revolving lending mechanism at the expense of repaid loan payments by primary borrowers, after which the participating banks will continue to collect applications for car loans.