JSC "Industrial Development Fund" launches a new program for financing manufacturing projects
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JSC "Industrial Development Fund" launches a new program for financing manufacturing projects


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JSC "Industrial Development Fund" launches a new program for financing manufacturing projects


JSC  Industrial Development Fund, a subsidiary of the Development Bank of Kazakhstan, with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is launching a new Program for financing manufacturing projects for small, medium and large businesses (hereinafter referred to as the Program).

The program is aimed at further diversifying the structure of the manufacturing industry, supporting and stimulating the production of high value added goods, as well as assisting in attracting foreign and domestic investment in the country's economy.

To achieve these goals, under the Program, investors will be offered financing and/or loans in the amount of more than 250 billion tenge. Main conditions of the Program:

  • term of leasing financing/crediting – from 3 to 20 years;
  • financing currency – tenge;
  • interest rate - 7% per annum;
  • the amount of financing for the project - from 3 billion tenge and more.

During the consideration of projects for financing, the counter obligations of the applicants, such as requirements for local content, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises around their own production and other obligations provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, will be of no small importance.

The implementation of the Program will make it possible to upgrade the fixed assets of manufacturing enterprises, create and maintain about 10,000 jobs.

Detailed information on the Program and on the preparation of applications for financing can be obtained from JSC Industrial Development Fund by phone: +7 (7172) 79-63-63 (Call-center).