Presentation of the plant "Asia Trafo" LLP in Shymkent
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Presentation of the plant "Asia Trafo" LLP in Shymkent

Presentation of the plant "Asia Trafo" LLP in Shymkent


With the financial support of "Development Bank of Kazakhstan" JSC and "DBK-Leasing" JSC, a solemn presentation of the plant "Asia Trafo" LLP took place on April 26. The plant is the only one in Central Asia that producing powerful transformers in the voltage range of 110 kV - 500 kV in Shymkent.

For the first time in the history of Kazakhstan, this year, it is planned to produce electric power equipment of such capacity.

The presentation of the plant took place in the industrial zone "Tassay", Shymkent.

Sergazy Kuntuarov, General Director of ''Asia Trafo'', presented the investment project, technology, potential, product features and export opportunities.

Construction of the high-tech plant began in 2017.

In December 2018, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev launched the plant as a part of Industrialization Day and Industrial Breakthrough Block.

Opening of the plant "Asia Trafo" is of great importance in the development of the electrical industry of Kazakhstan.