Supported by Industrial Development Fund JSC Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan has commenced the installation of equipment
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Supported by Industrial Development Fund JSC Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan has commenced the installation of equipment

Supported by Industrial Development Fund JSC Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan has commenced the installation of equipment


The multi-brand automotive plant, Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan, was visited by representatives from Automotive Engineering Corporation (PRC), a global leader in high-tech equipment supply. The visit of the top management of the Chinese company coincided with the acceptance of the first batch of equipment at the Astana Motors plant. Installation work will be carried out under the supervision of engineers from Automotive Engineering Corporation. The Chinese corporation has been operating in the market for over 60 years and has completed more than 30,000 production projects worldwide. Its portfolio includes projects with all global automotive leaders, including BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Hyundai, Toyota, Jaguar, Land Rover, BYD, and many others.

The equipment acceptance was attended by Jia Sijun, President of Automotive Engineering Corporation; Chen Yong, Vice President; two Vice Directors, Li Shouxi and Wang Xiaolei; and Maxim Tarasov, Director of Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan, representing Astana Motors.

Jia Sijun, President of Automotive Engineering Corporation, noted that approximately 300 containers of equipment have arrived at the plant, with a total of 1,600 containers scheduled for delivery, including equipment for welding, painting, and assembly shops.

"I want to thank Astana Motors for choosing our company to implement such a significant plant. Today, we see how much has already been accomplished by our Kazakh partners," said Jia Sijun. "The equipment we are supplying to Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan is the most advanced and modern. It meets not only the technical requirements of the brands to be produced at the multi-brand plant but also international standards".

Maxim Tarasov, Director of Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan, expressed gratitude to the Chinese partners for their collaboration and noted that specialists from Automotive Engineering Corporation have been actively involved since the design phase of the plant.

"Today, we are accepting equipment for the automatic body distribution warehouse and chassis lines for the assembly shops. In November, we will receive 54 robots to be installed at the production site, and in December, the control systems will be delivered", Maxim Tarasov said.

Photo: © «Astana Motors»

At the multi-brand plant, Astana Motors, a total of 130 engineers from Automotive Engineering Corporation and approximately 1,000 Kazakh specialists will be involved throughout the equipment installation and commissioning phases. Installation will take place simultaneously in different workshops, each with its own team.

Construction of the multi-brand full-cycle plant, Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan, in the Almaty Industrial Park began in November 2022. Astana Motors is investing 182 billion tenge in this project. Of this amount, 30% is from its own funds and 70% is borrowed funds, repayable over 15 years at an annual interest rate of 9% through financial leasing and credit instruments with the support of Industrial Development Fund JSC and Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC. As of now, the construction of the plant is nearing completion (90% readiness).

The production area will be 209,000 sq. meters. The plant building is two stories high, with each floor having a height of 10.5 meters. The first floor will house the auto component warehouse, assembly, and painting shops.

The second floor will be used for body production, with an automated distribution warehouse designed for 180 sets. A total of 54 robots will be installed at the plant. Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan will feature equipment for producing 9 car models using the semi-knocked-down method, including welding and painting. The painting shop will be fully automated.

The production capacity of the multi-brand plant will be 90,000 units per year using the semi-knocked-down method. A significant portion of the vehicles produced at the Kazakh plant will be exported. Astana Motors plans to supply 40% of the total production volume to the domestic market and 60% to export to CIS countries.

The planned completion date for construction is Q4 2024. Equipment installation will continue in Q1 2025, followed by commissioning work and the launch of pilot car production.

During the production launch, a test batch of 60 cars of each model will be produced. Each vehicle will undergo rigorous testing for weld strength, primer, and paint quality. The goal of these tests is to fine-tune the production processes and make necessary adjustments to ensure impeccable product quality. Quality control will be conducted at all stages of production with direct involvement from brand representatives, ensuring that the cars meet the highest standards.

Photo: © «Astana Motors»

After production starts, the plant will employ 3,600 people. Recruitment is underway, and by January 2025, 1,315 people will be working at the plant, increasing to 2,469 by May 2025, and reaching 3,600 by the end of 2025.

Employees will be provided with additional health insurance, free meals, and transportation to work. A continuous professional development program is also in place, with Astana Motors collaborating with Kazakh technical universities and on-site training facilities.

Photo: © «Astana Motors»

Additionally, the plant will feature a cafeteria with 1,100 seats, a gym, football, basketball, and volleyball courts, a boxing ring, tatami, and a library. The recreational area for employees will occupy one-fifth of the plant’s total area.

The construction of the multi-brand plant is a key milestone in Astana Motors' global objective: creating a real industry, manufacturing automotive components, and deepening localization. Increasing production localization at Astana Motors will boost the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the machinery sector in Kazakhstan. 

Photo: © «Astana Motors»
