The fleet of special equipment of the Emergency Situations Department in the Akmola region has been replenished with new fire equipment
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The fleet of special equipment of the Emergency Situations Department in the Akmola region has been replenished with new fire equipment


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The fleet of special equipment of the Emergency Situations Department in the Akmola region has been replenished with new fire equipment


The territory of the forest fund in the Akmola region is more than 1 million hectares. This is one of the largest arrays in the country. In this regard, special attention is paid to fire prevention in the region.

"Ort-2024" republican command and staff exercises were held in the Akmola region in the Sandyktau district on the territory of the Maraldinsky forestry. The event was attended by Akim of Akmola region Marat Akhmetzhanov, Vice Minister of Emergency Situations Yerlan Nurpeisov and Deputy Chairman of the Forestry and Wildlife Committee of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Andrey Kim.

The main task of the tactical exercises was to increase the level of readiness of management authorities, forces and means of the territorial subsystem of civil protection to act in the event of wildfires and to adjust the interaction of the MIO and territorial state authorities.

The event began with the handing over of keys to 10 special fire trucks, car ladders and other equipment. The purchase of fire trucks was carried out under the leasing program of Industrial Development Fund JSC. The readiness of forces and means were also examined.

During the practical training, actions were demonstrated to extinguish a simulated forest fire, evacuate the population and carry out emergency rescue operations.

In total, about 100 pieces of equipment, over 300 people from the Emergency Situations Department in the Akmola region, Ministry of Information and Public Development, forestry, as well as 2 Kazavialesohran and Kazaviaspas helicopters were involved.

On the same day, a meeting was held with civil protection services, which was also attended by heads of regional departments, territorial divisions of central executive authorities, organizations and enterprises, as well as akims of districts and cities who took part in the meeting via videoconference.

Marat Akhmetzhanov pointed out that the forest is the greatest natural wealth, the key to environmental safety and the basis of the economic stability of the region.

"Aridity and hot weather can lead to large-scale fires in the forest-steppe zone and the ignition of reeds in hard-to-reach areas. Failure to identify fire sources in a timely manner can lead to a scenario with the largest scale. The fires that occurred on the territory of Kostanay and Abai regions should be a lesson to all of us. It requires control not only of the territorial forestry inspectorate and emergency authorities, but also those responsible for the subordinate territory," the governor of the region noted.

In turn, Vice Minister of Emergency Situations Yerlan Nurpeisov appreciated the importance of the event in a fire-hazardous period.

"Akmola region is one of the regions where the main natural component is the forest fund. Therefore, it is important to give priority to forest protection issues. Today, we clearly saw in practice how the issues of fire extinguishing and evacuation of people were extinguished, where we saw that the interaction and coordinated work of state authorities show good outcomes. And I would like to express my gratitude for the equipment status of the emergency department of the Akmola region," E. Nurpeisov said.

At the end of the meeting, relevant departments were instructed to intensify work on the installation and renovation of mineralized strips along forest lands, agricultural fields, as well as roads and railways, to prepare forces and means of civil protection authorities and formations to extinguish wildfires, strengthen awareness-raising on the issue of compliance with fire safety requirements in forests and steppe areas.

Source: Akimat of Akmola region