Industrial Development Fund Finances 339 Lease Transactions for the Purchase of Special Purpose Vehicles
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Industrial Development Fund Finances 339 Lease Transactions for the Purchase of Special Purpose Vehicles

Industrial Development Fund Finances 339 Lease Transactions for the Purchase of Special Purpose Vehicles


The Industrial Development Fund (a member of the Baiterek NMH JSC Group) continues to implement the Lease Financing Program for the purchase of special-purpose vehicles.

Under this Program, entrepreneurs, legal entities and state institutions can obtain preferential financing to lease special-purpose vehicles manufactured in Kazakhstan.

To participate in the Program, a potential lessee must submit an application to the car manufacturers for lease financing through the Industrial Development Fund JSC.

The list of manufacturers of special-purpose vehicles includes: QazTehna LLP, Kamaz Engineering JSC, Hyundai Trans Auto LLP, SaryarkaAvtoProm LLP, Uralskagroremmash JSC and Daewoo Bus Kazakhstan LLP.

It should be noted that the Industrial Development Fund has been implementing the Lease Financing Program for the purchase of special-purpose vehicles since 2015. Since its launch, the Program has financed 339 lease transactions for a total amount of 48.6 billion tenge, and 2,105 special-purpose vehicles have been purchased.

Financing terms:

  • lease financing term: from 3 to 5 years,
  • interest rate of three (3) % per annum,
  • currency of financing: tenge,
  • initial lease instalment (advance payment): 30% of the leased asset.

The financing under the Program has a revolving nature, i.e. the funds from the repayment of existing leases are used again to conclude new finance leases.

For more details about the Program please visit the official website of the Industrial Development Fund JSC at