Light industry: 1,400 enterprises operate in Kazakhstan
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Light industry: 1,400 enterprises operate in Kazakhstan


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Light industry: 1,400 enterprises operate in Kazakhstan


In the country, light industry covers more than 20 sub-sectors, which are combined into three main groups: the textile industry - 55%, clothing production - 37%, leather and related products - 8%, reports

As of April 1, 2024, 1,400 enterprises are operating in the light industry, where the main share of 58% (818) of enterprises is occupied by sewing enterprises, 33% (463) enterprises for the production of textile products, 9% (119) enterprises for the production of leather and related products. 97% of the industry (or 1362) are small businesses.

In general, the impact of the industry on the economy of Kazakhstan is less than on other sectors of the economy. The share of light industry in the manufacturing industry at the end of 2023 amounted to 0.97%.

The volume of light industry production in January-March 2024 amounted to 52.7 billion tenge.

In order to develop the textile industry, a roadmap for the creation of a cotton-textile cluster in the Republic of Kazakhstan was approved (No. 38 order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 24, 2020).

In order to develop the industry, a roadmap for the development of light industry for 2022-2025 was approved, including improving the regulatory framework for light industry, developing the raw material base and processing raw materials, government support measures, staffing the industry, labeling and supervision of light industry goods, increasing the capacities of domestic producers of light industry products, attracting investments, introducing world experience and export development measures.

When carrying out state purchases of light industry goods, an exception to the national regime for a period of 2 years was established (Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 19, 2024 No. 99).

Through the Industrial Development Fund, financing of light industry projects has been allocated for end borrowers at a remuneration rate of no more than 3% per annum.

To further stimulate the development of the industry, light industries are included in the list of priority activities of special economic zones.
